Northern Territory Road Signs Test 2

Prepare for your NT Driver Knowledge Test with our practice driving test. Gain access to 100s of practice questions and pass your learner’s test the first time!

Northern Territory Road Signs Test 2

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Steps Toward Passing your NT Driver Knowledge Test

I recently submitted a license application form and didn’t know what to expect from the NT driver knowledge test.

We’ve got you covered. Here’s the lowdown of the process and a few steps you can take to pass the Northern Territory driver’s exam.

Step 1. Know the Process

A driver theory test involves several steps. The exam is computer-based and contains questions regarding NT road rules. All the questions will come from the NT Road Users Handbook, which you can get at the nearest service centre or MVR office.

Taking the official driver exam means you pay a fee and submit an ID and proof of residency. You must have prepared all these things in advance for the process to go smoothly.

Step 2. Read and Practice

Your NT handbook is the only thing you need to pass the written exam. Please read and familiarize yourself with the terms and road and traffic rules. You should go from section to section slowly to absorb the information.

Keep the handbook by your side when reviewing for the written NT test. You’ll need it for future reference and when taking practice driver tests online.

Study as if you’re taking a university or school exam. Take notes and frequent breaks so you won’t miss out on important details.

Step 3. Take a Practice Exam

A practice exam is sometimes called a mock exam. In this case, you take a test that’s close to the real thing. The best part is that there’s no consequence when you fail.

An online practice exam will have questions taken straight from the official NT database. The questions you’ll see in the actual NT written exam are selected from a 300-plus question database. To see all the possible questions, you may need to take the NT practice test a few times.

Answer all the questions and hit submit to see the results. You’ll get immediate feedback on how many points you scored, your mistakes, and the correct choice. Use this as a learning tool to improve and get a higher score on the succeeding exams.

Step 4. Repeat Until You’re Confident

From here on, it’s just a matter of returning to the road user’s handbook to see what you’ve missed, then re-taking the practice test until you get a passing mark (26 out of 30).

It may be necessary to do this a couple of times to gain confidence, but it’s free, so you don’t have to worry. You’ll know you’re ready to take the NT written driver exam when you pass three or four times.

Step 5. Take the Real Test

Bring your ID and proof of residency to the testing location. It’s time to take the real NT exam; you’ll be ready at this point.

Get plenty of rest the night before and eat a hearty breakfast. Read the questions thoroughly and pick the best answer.

Wait for the driver knowledge test results and proceed to the driving test.